This is part of a project to get people involved with quantum error correction. See here for more info.
You have probably heard that quantum mechanics is weird. You may also know that it has some strange correlations, known as entanglement, which are a big contribution to that weirdness.
You have probably heard that quantum mechanics is weird. You may also know that it has some strange correlations, known as entanglement, which are a big contribution to that weirdness.
this post we will try to show that it's not all that weird, and that
you can understand it without complicated maths. We'll also show how
you can use entanglement to do something that no boring normal
correlations can do: Teleportation!
is a sequel to my earlier, and surprisingly successful, post on the
of qubits (also known as 'Quantum mechanics with the simplest
maths possible'). It also provides some of the maths behind my recent
posts on quantum
error correction. Nevertheless, I'll try to keep it pretty
story so far...
are dealing with the simplest kind of quantum system. Some call them
qubits. Some call them spin-1/2s. It doesn't matter what names we use
though, so we'll just choose the ones that make our life easy.
qubit can be in one of two states: up or down. You can
ask it whether it's in state up or down: we call this a measurement.
When it is up, it is not down. When it is down, it is not up. If it
were neither, it would not be a qubit. So far, so normal.
a qubit is quantum. It can be undecided about whether to be up or down. This is described by two
numbers, which we call the upness and downness. When it
is definitely up, its upness is 1 and its downness is 0. When its
down, its upness is 0 and its downness is 1. When its undecided, both
are somewhere in between. These are called quantum superpositions.
we measure whether it is up or down, it will be forced to choose. The
probability of choosing up is the upness squared (i.e. upness ×
upness = upness2). The probability of down
is the downness squared. Since it must be up or down, adding up the
probabilites for the two must give us 1. So
upness2 +
downness2 = 1 .
some sense, these probabilities are the true measures of how biased
the qubit is towards up and down. So the actual upness and downness
can be a bit crazy as long as they still make sense as probabilities
when squared. The
consequence of this is that the upness and downness can actually be
negative numbers if they want, because negative numbers still square
to positive numbers.
For example, imagine a qubit with an upness of 1, and one with an upness of -1. What's the difference? Well, the one with an upness of 1 is just the state up. For the other, if we ask whether it's up or down it'll answer 'up' with probability (-1)2 = 1, which makes it a certainty. And if it is certain that its own state is up, with no regard to the strange minus sign, who are we to argue?
do maths we need some way of writing the superpositions down. If we
have some state that we want to call S, we write it down like this.
S =
(upness of S) x up + (downness of S) x down
we have written quantum states in an equation as if they were
numbers, which might be a bit confusing. We have to remember what is
a number and what isn't. So, from now on, all quantum states will be
S =
(upness of S) x up + (downness of S) x down
better! This includes all the relevant information, and looks nice
and mathsy.
equation has a x and a + in there, which look like multiplication and
addition. However, unlike normal multiplication, the one here doesn't
multiply numbers together. Instead it multiplies a number with a
quantum state, whatever that means. Nevertheless, when we do algebra
type stuff with them, they follow the same rules as multiplication
and addition. So let's just pretend they make sense.
of our favourite states are called left and right.
The state called right is a superposition of up and down that has the
same upness as downness.
= √½ × up
+ √½ × down,
is the same, but it has a negative downness.
= √½ x up + (-√½) x down
turns out that these are as different from each other as up and down. This is because of the minus sign, which does interesting things with the maths when part of a superposition as we found out last time. And because these states are completely different, we are also allowed to measure whether our qubit is
left or right.
if we have a qubit that is in the up state and we measure whether it
is left and right? Well, just as left is a superposition of up and
down, up can be thought of as a superposition of left and right.
up = √½ × left
+ √½ × right
if we do the left/right measurement, the qubit will have to decide
one way or the other.
not just the up state can be thought of as a superposition of left
and right. Anything can
S =
(leftness of S) × left
+ (rightness of S) × right
(upness of S) x up + (downness of S) x down
the original draft of this post, there was a bunch of stuff about how to describe pairs of qubits, and some of the details about some of the more interesting measurements for them
work. But that made everything far too long. All that stuff was moved
to its own post: Fun
for pairs
of qubits.
So if you want the full experience, check that out before you
I'll assume you're skipping it, so let's take a few paragraphs for a very brief overview of the world of two qubits. For this we need to know what the possible states of two qubits are. Each qubit has two possible states: up and down. So two qubits have four possible states: both up, both down, the first one up and the second one down and vice-versa. Let's call these uu, dd, ud and du. The kind of superpositions that you can get for two qubits then look like this
½ uu + ½ ud + ½ du + ½ dd
Separable states are not so intesting. More interesting would be something like
Here the qubits are in a superposition of being up and down, but they will always be the same. So if one gets measured and decides to be up, the other will somehow instantly know about it. Then if it gets measured, it can give the same result. States that are correlated like this are more interesting than separable states. They are called entangled. In the rest of this post we'll look at how the kind of measurements that can create entanglement, and see how it can be used to teleport.
This will by no means tell you everything you need to know about entanglement. As a quantum information theorist, I find it best to try and understand entanglement by looking at what it can do. Teleportation is part of that, but we'll also look at other things like non-locality in the future.
Bell Measurements
What kind of measurements can we do for two qubits? Well we could just measure both to see if they are up or down. But there's another possibility, that's a bit less disruptive. This looks at the up and down states, but only tells you whether these states for the two qubits are the same or different. So if they are in the state uu or dd, it gives you the result same. Crucially, it would do this also for any superposition of uu and dd, without messing up the superposition. Similarly, ud, du or any superposition thereof would give the result 'different'.
This measurement is called ZZ. It has a friend, XX, which does the same thing but with the states left and right. These measurements are also ones that play nicely together. Suppose you have a state for which you know what the outcome of the ZZ measurement would be, but instead measure XX. This might force a decision out of the qubits and change the state. But whatever changes happen, the outcome for the ZZ measurement will stay the same. This sounds quite normal, given that this is exactly how measurements work in our world of big things. But in quantum mechanics, measurements working well together like this is a rarity.
uuness x uu + udness x ud + duness x du +
ddness x dd .
If we simply have something like uu, the two qubits are in their own state and don't really care what the other is doing. This is also true for the state
½ uu + ½ ud + ½ du + ½ dd
Despite having lots of fancy superpositions going on, it turns out that this is just another way of writing that both qubits are in the state left. Again, they are both doing their own thing, without any relation to the other. There are lots of states like this. They are called separable states.
Separable states are not so intesting. More interesting would be something like
√½ x uu
+ √½ x dd
Here the qubits are in a superposition of being up and down, but they will always be the same. So if one gets measured and decides to be up, the other will somehow instantly know about it. Then if it gets measured, it can give the same result. States that are correlated like this are more interesting than separable states. They are called entangled. In the rest of this post we'll look at how the kind of measurements that can create entanglement, and see how it can be used to teleport.
This will by no means tell you everything you need to know about entanglement. As a quantum information theorist, I find it best to try and understand entanglement by looking at what it can do. Teleportation is part of that, but we'll also look at other things like non-locality in the future.
Bell Measurements
What kind of measurements can we do for two qubits? Well we could just measure both to see if they are up or down. But there's another possibility, that's a bit less disruptive. This looks at the up and down states, but only tells you whether these states for the two qubits are the same or different. So if they are in the state uu or dd, it gives you the result same. Crucially, it would do this also for any superposition of uu and dd, without messing up the superposition. Similarly, ud, du or any superposition thereof would give the result 'different'.
This measurement is called ZZ. It has a friend, XX, which does the same thing but with the states left and right. These measurements are also ones that play nicely together. Suppose you have a state for which you know what the outcome of the ZZ measurement would be, but instead measure XX. This might force a decision out of the qubits and change the state. But whatever changes happen, the outcome for the ZZ measurement will stay the same. This sounds quite normal, given that this is exactly how measurements work in our world of big things. But in quantum mechanics, measurements working well together like this is a rarity.
After doing a ZZ measurement, we know exactly how the up/down states of our two qubits are correlated. After doing an XX we know the same for the left/right states. Because they play nicely together, after doing both of these measurements we know about both types of correlation at the same time. This gives us a state of two qubits that are correlated state in an interesting way. The combination of an ZZ and XX measurement must therefore be quite an interesting measurement. For that reason, it gets its own name: a Bell measurement.
Suppose the results to both XX and ZZ came out 'same'. Because they play nicely together, we know that they'd definitely give the same results if we did the same measurements again. There is only one state that give these definite answers. It's one with a lot of quantum entanglement, and is called Φ
Suppose the results to both XX and ZZ came out 'same'. Because they play nicely together, we know that they'd definitely give the same results if we did the same measurements again. There is only one state that give these definite answers. It's one with a lot of quantum entanglement, and is called Φ
= √½ x uu
+ √½ x dd
= √½ x ll
+ √½ x rr
the other three possible combinations of answers we would get three
similar states, called Φ', Ψ
or Ψ'.
measurements are pretty useful. Suppose we take some boring state
like uu, which is not entangled. If we then we do a Bell measurement,
they will be forced to be one of these four entangled states. They
are boring no longer.
measurements are named after J. S. Bell, who was the first to really
show that entanglement could do things beyond the abilities of normal
correations. The four states Φ, Φ', Ψ
or Ψ' are call the Bell states, or Bell pairs.
we have Bell measurements we can do fun things. One of those fun
things is teleportation!
the situation. There are these two guys: Alice and Bob. They met ages
ago, at a conference or something. They did a Bell measurement on a
couple of qubits and got the state Φ. Then
they went home to their own labs, each taking one of the qubits of
the Bell pair.
later, Alice gets a spare qubit. She doesn't know what the state is.
Maybe its even entangled to some other stuff. She doesn't know. She
doesn't care. She doesn't want it.
Bob does. He really wants it. I don't know why. Alice could just send
it to Bob, but sending it so it doesn't get messed up by noise is
really expensive. He doesn't want it that much! Is there a cheaper
way from Alice to send it to Bob?
Alice could measure it, work out what it is and just tell Bob.
Unfortunately, it cannot be so simple. What measurement would she do?
If she did an up/down measurement, it would have to choose to be up
or down. If it was actually left or right, we wouldn't know. If it
was entangled to something else, that entanglement would be
destroyed. So she won't have given Bob what he wanted. She would have
messed it up. But Alice knows her quantum mechanics, so she doesn't
do this.
could she do instead? Maybe they could use that Bell pair they've
been sitting on.
we look at how to do this, lets just recap a little. Alice and Bob
have three qubits between them, one is a some state S and the other
two are a Bell pair. Alice has two (the spare one and half of a Bell
pair) and Bob has one (half of a Bell pair).
wonders what would happen if she forced her to qubits to become a
Bell pair, by doing a Bell measurement. Then there would still have a
Bell pair, but now Alice would have it all. So what would Bob have?
Alice thinks that, to make everything nice and symmetric, he must end
up with the state of the spare qubit.
is skeptical. He thinks that the Bell measurement might end up
extracting some information about the spare qubit. As we saw before,
that would be bad and mess it up.
can easily counter this. Her half of the Bell pair is randomly either
up or down, and no-one knows which. This randomness will make the outcome of a ZZ measurement random too, whatever the state of the spare qubit is.
The same is true for an XX measurement. In neither case do we find
out anything about the state of the spare qubit.
is still not convinced. He thinks that it might cause the state of
the spare qubit to just be destroyed. This perhaps seems reasonable.
His half of the Bell pair has never even been near the spare qubit,
so how could it magically acquire the spare qubit's state? And
information gets lost all the time in our everday human world. Why
wouldn't qubits suffer the same.
nevertheless sticks to her guns, and demands they do the maths to see
who is right. For that we'll to work out how to describe three
qubits. But that's not much different to two qubits, which isn't too
much different to one qubit, so we'll dive straight in.
the unknown state S of Alice's spare qubit, we'll need to write it in
the most general way possible.
= (upness of S) x up + (downness of S) x down
Bell pair is in the state
= √½ x uu + √½ x dd
lets write the state of all three together, and do so as some
superpoistion of the three qubit states uuu, uud, udu, etc. For this
we'll think of the first qubit as Alice's spare one, the next one as
Alice's half of the Bell pair and the last as Bob's half of the Bell
pair. So the state uud would mean that both of Alice's are up, and
Bob's qubit is down.
write down the correct three qubit state, we'll need to calculate the
uuuness, the uudness and all the rest. We can get the uuunes by
multiplying the upness of the spare qubit and the uuness of Φ
= (upness of S) x √½ ,
so on for all the others. Because
uddness =
(upness of S) x √½ ,
duuness =
(downness of S) x √½ ,
dddness =
(downness of S) x √½ ,
the rest are zero because they would need the two qubits of the Bell
pair to be different, and Φ does not allow that.
in all, we get the three qubit state
of S) x √½ x uuu + (upness of S) x √½ x udd
(downness of S) x √½ x duu + (downness of S) x √½ x ddd
If Alice makes a ZZ measurement on the first two qubits, there's some parts of this state that will give the result 'same' (namely uuu and ddd), and some parts that'll give 'different' (udd and duu). This means the qubits have to decide one way or the other when she makes the measurement. Let's suppose they decide to be the same.
The state after measurement will then be
of S) x uuu + (downness of S) x ddd .
we've also removed a the √½ for each state. This is just
something we need to do after measurements, to make sure the numbers
that should add up to 1, still do.
state we get here is quite interesting. We now have all three qubits
entangled together, and the information about the state of the spare
qubit is now spread over all three. It's as if all three qubits are
now working together to be the spare qubit. If you wanted to measure
whether it was up or down, you could do it by measuring any of the
we are part way there. Bob has a share in the spare qubit state, and
could even do an up/down measurement if he wanted. But he might want
to do other, more interesting things. For that he needs complete
control of the spare qubit state, so Alice needs to somehow give up
her part.
doing an XX measurement she will not get any information about the
spare qubit state, as we discussed earlier. She will also force her
two qubits to be a Bell pair. This is because she will know
definitely the outcomes of both and XX and ZZ measurement, and only
Bell pairs can do that. So she'll have no information about the spare
qubit, either in her measurement results or her qubits. So Bob must
have it all.
make sure by doing the maths. For that we need to know a little more about the state Φ'. Unlike Φ, which gives the result 'same' for both an ZZ and XX measurement, Φ' will always say 'same' for ZZ and 'different' for XX. In the mathsy way, it looks like this
Φ' = √½ x uu + (-√½) x dd = √½ x lr + √½ x rl
Using this, and the mathsy form of Φ from before, we can see that uu and dd can be though of as a superpositon of Φ and Φ'
= √½ x Φ + √½ x Φ'
= √½ x Φ - √½ x Φ'
the state that we got after the ZZ measurement can be rewritten
of S) x uuu + (downness of S) x ddd
= (upness
of S) x √½ x (Φ
u + Φ'
(downness of S) x √½ x (Φ
d - Φ'
Φ u describes the state
where Alice's two qubits are in state Φ
and Bob's one is in state u,
Alice makes the XX measurement of the her qubits, she gets the result
'same' or 'different'. The same result is consistent only with Φ, and the different result is consistent only with Φ'. So if she gets
'same', the state afterwards is
of S) x Φ u
+ (downness of S) x Φ d
we've removed each √½, because that's what you do after
measurements. In this state we find that Alice's qubits always have
the state Φ. So all the
superposition stuff is actually just because Bob's state is
of S) x u + (downness of S) x d
is exactly the state of the spare qubit, just as he wanted.
worked! Alice was right! If she makes the ZZ and XX measurements, and
gets the result 'same' for both, Bob's qubit magically acquires the
state that the spare qubit used to have. Even though his qubit never
went anywhere near the spare one!
what if Alice gets different results? For the other three options for
her Bell test, Bob will get the one of the following states
of S) x up + ( - downness of S) x down
of S) x up + (upnness of S) x down
of S) x up + (-upness of S) x down
the first one the downness has got a minus sign in front of it. But
that's okay, Bob just needs to do something called a phase
flip to get his qubit into the state it should be. For the
second we have the upness and downness the wrong way around. But Bob
can use a bit flip to correct that. For the last,
Bob just needs to do both
it is important that Bob knows exactly which flip to do. So he needs
Alice to tell him the result of her measurement. She just gets on the
phone, tells him and then he does it. Then he always has the state of
the spare qubit, just as he wanted.
this information, all he knows is that he randomly has one of the
four possibilities. That doesn't do him any good. In fact, there's no
way to tell the difference between that and his half of the Bell
pair, so he can't even tell whether or not Alice has done the
measurement yet. That's good, because this would allow Alice and Bob
to communicate instantly, which the theory of relativity does not
allow. So without knowing anything about the speed of light, the
maths we've used to describe quantum states have nevertheless made
sure that we can't communicate faster than it.
Bob does get Alice's result (which is just some random outcome that
gives no information about the spare qubit state) and combines it
with his qubit (which never met the spare qubit) somehow that combine
to form the spare qubit state. That's that magic of entanglement!
think that one interesting thing here is that quantum mechanics had a
choice. It could either allow information to get deleted from the
universe, or allow states of qubits to magically be transported far
away Star Trek style. It chose Star Trek. Quantum mechanics is weird,
but it's good weird.
This is the same as asking whether there are an even or odd number of
downs, as we do in this post on quantum error correction. If there
are even, it means uu or dd, so they are the same. Odd means ud or
du, so they are different.